A Year of Gratitude – January 14, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 14, 2024

Today was a day when I struggled to put my gratitude into words. I woke up and felt off balance. Of course I was grateful to be alive, to be given another day. I was grateful for my children who were still asleep in their Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 13, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 13, 2024

My gratitude today is for a creative mind, busy hands, and time spent with my daughter. On days when the world might not make sense, creating something with my hands helps me to make sense of my place in it. Spending time with my daughter Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 12, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 12, 2024

I found my gratitude on my morning round of farm chores this morning. As my feet fell on the ground below, each footstep made a crunching sound as it came into contact with a thin layer of frost. In a single week’s time we have Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 11, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 11, 2024

I am filled with gratitude tonight. After a busy day, I find myself finally sitting down with a cup of tea and my knitting. My best friend Penny Lane is already settled in on the couch in front of the pellet stove and I am Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 10, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 10, 2024

In all my years of living at the farmhouse, I have never seen a weather shift quite like what we woke up to this morning. Sure, I have witnessed the transformation that an overnight snowstorm brings. But this was something new. Dusk came to the Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 9, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 9, 2024

I was passing by a windowsill in the farmhouse this morning when I spotted something both surprising and amazing. A violet given to us by a friend that I had nearly given up on has rallied and set forth deep purple blooms. I have been Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 8, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 8, 2024

Mother Nature gave me my daily gratitude in abundance today. I woke up this morning, pulled back the curtains, and saw the entire landscape blanketed in snow. The sun was shining on the snow in a way that made it glint and gleam in every Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 7, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 7, 2024

My morning gratitude was chosen for me today, a gift from Mother Nature. Snow has touched everything on the farm and made it look like a snow globe. Even the duck house which is the centerpiece of our vegetable garden looks fresh and new. Moments Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 6, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 6, 2024

This morning’s gratitude is for busy hands and a creative day ahead. It might not seem like something worthy of gratitude, but I woke up today and just knew that what I needed was a day when my busy hands could give my mind a Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 5, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 5, 2024

This morning’s gratitude is for busy hands and a creative day ahead. It might not seem like something worthy of gratitude, but I woke up today and just knew that what I needed was a day when my busy hands could give my mind a Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 4, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 4, 2024

Today’s gratitude was delayed, more of an evening gratitude than a morning version. I woke up early and got to work preparing for our first big winter storm of the season. There was much to do and I found myself immersed in the doing. It Read More

A Year of Gratitude – January 3, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 3, 2024

I found my morning gratitude by looking down this morning. I was on my round of morning farm chores when I discovered that I had found myself outside in the moment when the sun was shining on last night’s frost. The grass, abandoned fall leaves, Read More