Instant Pot Cooking

Our farmhouse and our recipes are nut free and shellfish free.  Food allergies became a part of our lives more than a decade ago, so you won’t find any peanuts, tree nuts, or shellfish in our recipes. If you don’t live with nut allergies, you can add your favorite nuts to our baking recipes with equally delicious results!

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Salsa Chicken

This cold watermelon salad is a refreshing bite on a hot summer day. I blend…

Dijon Potato Salad

I started making this warm Dijon potato salad last summer.  Since then, it has become…

2 thoughts on “Instant Pot Cooking”

    • I haven’t made yogurt in my Instant Pot, but I should. I use my yogurt maker which I had long before the Instant Pot. I’ll add yogurt to my list of recipes to try in the Instant Pot. With any luck, I’ll have a new recipe to share with you.

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