A Year of Gratitude – February 5, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – February 5, 2024

I found my gratitude in the bright blue sky and abundant sunshine today. That might not seem like something that should fill me with gratitude, but after weeks of grey and dreary weather, they certainly did.

The sky was so blue this morning when I headed outside for my morning round of farm chores. It was breathtaking. There wasn’t a cloud to be found, jut an endless expanse of azure blue sky. It was cold, but I chose to linger outside for a few minutes, my face turned toward the sun, just to enjoy the feeling of warmth. It was glorious.

It’s amazing how much something so routine can improve my day. As I soaked up the warmth of the sunshine while the air around me was crisp and cold, I could feel myself breathing slow and rhythmically. I could feel myself relaxing as a calm came over me.

I went back into the farmhouse refreshed and ready to greet the day. Penny Lane was waiting for me, curled up on her bed inside her favorite window in the old parlor room. She was basking in the sunshine just like I had been. She let out a deep sigh, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

There’s a whole day ahead of me to attend to. I plan to greet it with an open heart and the belief that grand possibilities lie ahead. Just like blue skies and sunshine, they are there and ready to be discovered if I give myself permission to enjoy them.

I hope that your day included a moment of joy and beauty and that it treated you gently.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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