A Year of Gratitude – May 4, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 4, 2024

My reason for gratitude cuddled on the couch with me this morning. I had just shared the last bite of my sourdough toast with her when I took this photo. She was having one last look at the world before settling in for a nap.

The sun was shining in her favorite window in the old parlor room. She had a clear look at what was going on outside. She had to make sure that there weren’t squirrels up to no good that needed to be barked at. Once she saw that all was well, she was ready to sigh a deep sigh and lay her chin on my leg before closing those big eyes and falling asleep.

It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep. She was content. She had a full belly and the belief that everything was in its place, that there was nothing for her to worry about. She could just close her eyes and have a rest.

She slept while I worked on my laptop. I typed away, working on recipes. Every so often, she would open her eyes, have a look around, and go right back to sleep, back to her contentedness.

She continued that way until one of my children walked through the doorway. She sprung up like a puppy, eager to meet one of her favorite people. Her tail wagged with enough force to knock a few of my papers from the couch to the floor. I couldn’t help but smile, thinking of how many times she had greeted them in the same enthusiastic manner.

There’s nothing like the greeting of a dog who loves you to lift your spirits. They are so happy to see you every time you walk through the door. I hope that Penny knows that we’re all equally happy to see her because we certainly are.

I got up from the couch to go about my day. I made sure to fix her favorite blanket on the couch before I did. I knew that it wouldn’t be long until she had returned to sit there, to watch the world outside the farmhouse and alert us to the danger of frolicking squirrels or joggers passing by.

After dinner, we took a stroll just as dusk was settling in. The air was crisp, almost cold. I needed my knitted hat to keep my ears warm. We walked and listened as the songbirds made their happy sounds overhead. We came home just in time to put the animals in for the night.

As I write this, Penny is snoring on the couch nearby. She’s on a different blanket, in a different room, but equally relaxed and content as she was this morning. I like to think that she’s so content because she knows how much we love her.

I’m so grateful for her company, for the companionship she gives us all. She makes this farmhouse feel like home, adds so much heart and warmth to every corner. I’m so thankful for each day I get to spend with her.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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