One Giant Leap into Real Simple Magazine’s September 2014 Issue

August is a month filled with landmark moments that took place here at 1840 Farm. To begin with, we moved to this farm during August of 2005. Five years later, in 2010, I published my first post on and began to dream of turning its pages into a place where I
could share my family’s experience with the world. In August of 2012, I opened The 1840 Farm Mercantile Shop on Etsy with a few fabric coiled baskets and the hope that you would love using them as much as we did.
Each year, I marvel at the passage of time. I try to stop for a moment to celebrate how much our lives and The 1840 Farm Community have grown. I could have never imagined that the farmhouse that became our home would come to represent so much for my family and for the readers who have come to feel at home here on our blog.
This year, September holds the promise of adding another milestone to 1840 Farm’s timeline. September of 2014 will be memorable for many reasons. To begin with, we are enjoying an amazing heirloom tomato harvest. We’re serving the beautiful, ripe fruits in one fashion or another for both lunch and dinner every day.
We have come to expect (and hope) that September’s arrival will coincide with heirloom tomato season. It really isn’t much of a surprise that we now have tomatoes in shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, and green ripening out in the garden these days. It was, however, an enormous surprise to be given the rare opportunity to be included in an article in the September issue of Real Simple Magazine!
This was a first for me. I have written about our life here at 1840 Farm. I have interviewed other farmers and compiled their answers into articles for magazines and blog posts. Yet I have never been on the other side of the equation.
The entire process was new and exciting from the interview to the photo shoot here at the farm and the weeks spent waiting impatiently to see the issue appear at our local bookstores and shops. While I was confident that we had done our best to ready the farm and ourselves for the article and the photo, I couldn’t help but feel a little anxious about the world seeing us in print.
Any trepidation I felt was matched with an equally powerful sense of appreciation. I am grateful that we were given this incredible opportunity. I will forever remember the moment, the wonderful people we met, and those who offered me encouragement and support when I needed it most. Without that support, I might have found myself completely overwhelmed by the scope of it all.
The wait is over and I couldn’t be happier to share with all of you that you can learn a little more about 1840 Farm in the article “One Giant Leap” in the September 2014 issue of Real Simple Magazine. I hope that you will enjoy reading the article as much as we enjoyed playing our part in it!