Vanilla Extract

Brewing your own vanilla extract is as simple as making a cup of tea.  Using our homemade vanilla extract kit, you can make 24 ounces of delicious vanilla extract to use in your homemade baked goods.

Using a sharp knife, carefully split each vanilla bean lengthwise.  Remove the cork from the bottle and place all three vanilla beans inside. Warm 12 ounces of vodka or bourbon and add it to the bottle.  Allow the mixture to steep until it has cooled to room temperature.

Replace the cork and store the bottle in a cool, dark place.  Gently agitating the brewing bottle occasionally will help to distribute the vanilla beans throughout the liquid. In two to three months, you will have a rich, delicious extract.  When you reach the end of the extract, simply add more warm vodka or bourbon to the bottle and repeat the process again.

As promised, here are a few of my family’s favorite recipes featuring homemade vanilla extract:

Chocolate Chip Gooey Butter Cake

Coconut Macaroons

Raspberry Crumble Bars


Baked Alaska




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