I love your site! I would have liked to be able to follow each photo back to the blog post it originated from. Your partial descriptions made me want to know more! Direct links to those articles would be a boon to your new followers. Like me for instance. 🙂
Thank you for all the loveliness,
PS: I realize that catching up would be a herculean task, but maybe you could do it for any new photographs?
I am glad that you enjoyed browsing through our photo gallery. I’ll add your suggestion to my to-do list. Stay tuned and I hope that you’ll visit again soon!
I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to. Our supplier is no longer allowing small accounts like ours to purchase wholesale from them. I am looking for other companies in the hopes of having the same quality seeds to offer this year. Stay tuned!
Dear Jennifer,
I love your site! I would have liked to be able to follow each photo back to the blog post it originated from. Your partial descriptions made me want to know more! Direct links to those articles would be a boon to your new followers. Like me for instance. 🙂
Thank you for all the loveliness,
PS: I realize that catching up would be a herculean task, but maybe you could do it for any new photographs?
I am glad that you enjoyed browsing through our photo gallery. I’ll add your suggestion to my to-do list. Stay tuned and I hope that you’ll visit again soon!
I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to. Our supplier is no longer allowing small accounts like ours to purchase wholesale from them. I am looking for other companies in the hopes of having the same quality seeds to offer this year. Stay tuned!