Tag: family

A Year of Gratitude – April 9, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – April 9, 2024

I found my gratitude on the kitchen table this morning. A Mason jar full of tulips had opened up overnight. What had been tight buds yesterday had opened up into glorious, colorful blooms. What a delightful discovery to begin the day. My day wasn’t nearly Read More

A Year of Gratitude – April 8, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – April 8, 2024

I was reminded of my gratitude by a snow shovel today. That might seem like an odd place to discover a reason for gratitude, but that’s exactly where it was waiting for me today. Last week’s Nor’easter left about 8 inches of heavy snow on Read More

A Year of Gratitude – April 2, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – April 2, 2024

The gratitude I share today isn’t new. I didn’t have a realization today that I felt grateful for these things. I know every single day that I am grateful for them. The first one is right in this photo. No, it isn’t the antique square Read More

A Year of Gratitude – April 1, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – April 1, 2024

I found my gratitude in a memory today. I was looking through old photos, searching for something I knew I had a photo of but couldn’t seem to locate. In my search, I found photos I had forgotten I had. Looking upon them seemed to Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 31, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 31, 2024

Gratitude found me by way of a cinnamon roll this morning. Well, it was a batch of cinnamon rolls for Easter brunch. I was grateful for the time I spent making them and the moments we spent gathered around the table enjoying them. I was Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 30, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 30, 2024

I snuggled with my gratitude on the couch early this morning. It was another windy, blustery morning here. After I finished my morning round of farm chores, I was ready to grab a hot cup of coffee and snuggle under the blankets on the couch Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 29, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 29, 2024

I usually find my gratitude for having been in a particular place, for experiencing something, seeing something beautiful, or just enjoying the spot where I am. I try to be mindful of the little moments. I do my best to find joy in the happenings Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 28, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 28, 2024

Today’s gratitude was easy to find. I didn’t have to look very hard or think long to decide to be filled with gratitude for something I saw early this morning. Do you know what this is? It’s rhubarb emerging from a winter’s nap. It’s a Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 27, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 27, 2024

Nature holds a lot of my daily gratitude. It seems to be placing it around for me to discover, especially on days when I seem to need it the most. Or, perhaps it is always there and I just know that I should focus on Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 26, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 26, 2024

I found gratitude in new growth today. There’s something awe inspiring about watching as a barren patch of soil sprouts new, vibrant growth. It seems magical, and perhaps it is. Spring brings a renewed love of growing things, of a fresh start to the growing Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 25, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 25, 2024

I spent some time this morning going through the photos from my trip to South Carolina earlier this year. There were photos of ocean sunsets and sunrises. I looked through dozens of photos I took from my visit to Brookgreen Gardens. I was lucky to Read More

A Year of Gratitude – March 24, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – March 24, 2024

Mother Nature gave me my gratitude today. It also gave me something to be ungrateful for, just for a few hours. It was the reminder of that balance that I was grateful for. Our weather has been a roller coaster this past week. We’ve had Read More