Tag: 1840 Farm

Chocolate Mocha Zucchini Cake

During gardening season, we celebrate every piece of fresh fruit and vegetable grown at 1840 Farm.  We eat as much as we can while it is at its fresh best.  We also can, pickle, and freeze our garden harvest so that we can enjoy the Read More

The Secret to Making Great Iced Coffee at Home

The Secret to Making Great Iced Coffee at Home

The secret to making great iced coffee at home is easy. You simply need to adjust the ratio of coffee to water to compensate for the ice and any milk you add. Once you know how to make that adjustment, you can make delicious iced coffee at home and save yourself a trip to the coffee shop.

Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup

Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup

This recipe is a staple in the 1840 Farm kitchen.  I always have it on hand in the refrigerator, waiting to be called into action.  With a small amount, I can add sweetness and incredible vanilla flavor to summer strawberries, fresh fruit, or cold drinks. Read More

Great Grandma’s Daffodil Cake

Great Grandma’s Daffodil Cake

Angel food cake was one of the first recipes that I taught myself to bake.  I was around twelve years old when I first separated a dozen eggs and followed the recipe in one of my mother’s cookbooks.  I marveled at the egg whites as Read More

The Summer Solstice Cocktail

The Summer Solstice Cocktail

When I am trying to develop a new recipe, I happily take inspiration wherever I can find it.  In the case of this cocktail, I happened to find it in two places.  Lucky for you, I’ve combined them into one delicious, refreshing cocktail recipe just Read More

Smoky Tomato Jam

Smoky Tomato Jam

I started this blog almost three years ago.  During that time, I have shared countless recipes here and on other blogs.  Some of them are simple, others complex.  All of them are family favorites, tried and true dishes that never fail.  For the life of Read More

Hungry for Change – Food Bloggers Against Hunger

As a mother and a farmer, I spend a great part of my day feeding my family and the animals that call 1840 Farm home.  Six people representing three generations of my family live here at 1840 Farm.  We all tend to the daily needs Read More

Fried Green Olives

If you’re looking for a little something to add to your next cocktail party or maybe just Saturday night cocktail hour, look no further.  These fried green olives are simple, bite-sized, and delicious.  They’re always a crowd pleaser, a hit with adults and children alike. Read More

Chocolate Cupcakes with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

Chocolate Cupcakes with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

There’s something about the flavor combination of chocolate and strawberry that seems perfect for Valentine’s Day, or any day for that matter,   We do our best to eat seasonally here at 1840 Farm.  Eating seasonally during February in New England dictates that fresh strawberries are Read More

Strawberry Jam Meringue Cookies

Strawberry Jam Meringue Cookies

My family loves meringue. I have made meringue cookies flavored with peppermint, vanilla, and chocolate chips for years. What’s not to love? A properly made meringue is equal parts light, crispy, and delicious. These cookies up the ante with the addition of sweet strawberry jam. Read More

Traditions Old and New

Traditions Old and New

A few months ago, I was asked by The Daily Meal to share the story of my oldest family recipe.  They went on to ask if I had created a dish that could become a new family tradition.  I couldn’t wait to answer both questions Read More

Happy First Birthday, Zinnia!

Happy First Birthday, Zinnia!

A year ago today, we celebrated a milestone here at 1840 Farm.  We woke up to find three newborn Nigerian Dwarf baby goats in the stall of our barn.  When we first saw them, they were minutes old.  In those first few moments of their Read More