A Year of Gratitude – June 18, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 18, 2024

It would be easy to find gratitude in this gorgeous flower. This white iris is such a unique bloom in our garden. It stands out among the colorful and vibrant irises that have been blooming over the last few weeks. We have white peonies in Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 17, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 17, 2024

I found my gratitude in the garden today. This gorgeous foxglove is blooming in the garden adjacent to our old barn. My mom planted it near our grand hydrangea a few years ago. I don’t ever remember it being this beautiful. The colors and markings Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 16, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 16, 2024

My gratitude was easy to find today. It was sitting right in front of me. It was on the plate in front of me. In fact, it was all around me. I was grateful for the time spent with family today. I was lucky enough Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 15, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 15, 2024

Gratitude was tucked under a giant green leaf in the garden this morning. I was on my morning round of chores. It was a wonderful surprise to find so early in my morning. I walked down to the duck house with a pail of fresh Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 14, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 14, 2024

Gratitude was held tightly inside this peony for me this morning. I was mesmerized by the pattern of its petals. Just look at how amazing they are. How could I not be filled with wonder when looking at this flower? There are so many petals, Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 13, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 13, 2024

I found my gratitude in sitting still and watching nature today. It’s rare that I am away from the farm, but I was this morning. I was in Exeter, New Hampshire and decided to take a morning stroll to enjoy their downtown area. I stopped Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 12, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 12, 2024

I found my gratitude in a reminder from the garden. I planted this African Marigold last week. I have always loved them and added four of them from the clearance section at our local home improvement store. I plant marigolds in my garden every year. Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 11, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 11, 2024

This time of year, the gardens seem to grow my gratitude. I don’t remember a day in the last month, perhaps longer, that I didn’t see something in the garden that gave me a reason to be grateful. Perhaps that is why gardeners love to Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 10, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 10, 2024

I found my gratitude in this peony bud this morning. It’s the promise of beautiful blooms to come. How could I be anything but grateful for that? It doesn’t look like much now, but when this bud opens, it will be a gorgeous peony in Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 9, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 9, 2024

It was easy to find a reason for gratitude today. My mom made a batch of brown butter chocolate chip cookie bars. They were just the sort of comfort I needed. It was a rainy day here. I was settled in at my computer, working Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 8, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 8, 2024

My reason for gratitude is snoring next to me on the couch tonight. She had a trying day of watching the squirrels frolic in the yard right outside her favorite window. As you can imagine, that can be exhausting, especially when you add a few Read More

A Year of Gratitude – June 7, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 7, 2024

I stepped outside the farmhouse to find that the garden had been watered by Mother Nature. That was reason enough for gratitude. I was tired and crossing one more chore from my to do list was appreciated. As I made my way through my farm Read More