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Cupcake Wrapper Template

Cupcake Wrapper Template

When I publish a post, I’m never quite sure how it will appeal to my readers.  Sometimes, a small detail catches the attention in a way that I couldn’t have possibly imagined.  This was exactly the case when I posted the recipe for Chocolate Malt Read More

Mocha Bread

Mocha Bread

I think that by now it may be painfully obvious that I love to cook and bake.  What may not be so obvious is my extreme tendency to try and make something less than ordinary into something extraordinary.  My complete inability to leave well enough Read More

Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies

Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies

I wish that I could take the credit for this recipe.  If you believed that I had dreamt this cookie batter up in our farmhouse kitchen, I might be elevated to genius status in the opinion of my readers.  Alas, I did not create this Read More

Peppermint Humbugs

For anyone who needs a little inspiration in the holiday baking department, may I suggest an 1840 Farm favorite?  How about a few peppermint humbugs? Originally posted December 9, 2010 Bah, humbug.  It just hasn’t seemed like the holidays here at 1840 Farm this year.  Read More

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut Macaroons

These toasted coconut macaroons are delicious with a cup of coffee or pot of tea. They’re so simple to make and can be in the oven in minutes.

Cookie Memories – Chocolate Malt Crinkle Cookies

Cookie Memories – Chocolate Malt Crinkle Cookies

We have been baking a lot of cookies lately.  No one here at 1840 Farm seems to mind.  So far we’ve had chocolate crinkles, chocolate mint meltaways, oatmeal white chocolate chip, coconut macaroons, espresso chocolate chip shortbread, and Mr.1840 Farm’s famous chocolate chip.  When I Read More

Bake a Difference and Be A Good Cookie

Prepare yourself. December is shaping up to be a month full of cookies here at 1840 Farm. I will make no apologies for tempting you with photos of decadent looking cookie treats in the coming weeks. I will not shy away from posting recipes for batches of cookie dough that involve Julia Child-like quantities of butter. Consider yourself warned.

Roasted Heirloom Tomato Tart

There are certain foods that scream summer to me.  At the very top of the list is my beloved heirloom tomato.  I long ago confessed my deep-rooted love of tomatoes, especially the heirloom variety.  During the summer, heirloom tomatoes take center stage in the 1840 Read More

New Post: A Lesson Learned from Hurricane Irene

Read my new post on the Community Chickens forum from the publishers of Mother Earth News and Grit Magazine: A Lesson Learned from Hurricane Irene

Nearly Wordless Wednesday – August 10, 2011

Heirloom tomato, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways starting with the first ripe Purple Calabash of 2011.

Why I Garden

Two words:  heirloom tomatoes.  I will freely admit to being giddy this morning.  Why?  I have spotted the first ripening heirloom tomatoes in our greenhouse.  I know that it will only be a few days and there will be Peacevine Cherry tomatoes to enjoy fresh Read More

Raspberry Crumble Bars

We’re deep into raspberry season here at 1840 Farm.  Every day for the past few weeks, we have found ourselves out in the raspberry patch reaching into the brambles to pluck the ripe berries and tenderly place them in their berry baskets.  It’s not a Read More