A Year of Gratitude – May 25, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 25, 2024

I found my gratitude in this deep purple iris today. It’s just beginning to open up, to show us the gorgeous color it is about to dazzle us with. My mom and I love irises. We have so many different colors in our gardens. I’m Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 24, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 24, 2024

I found my gratitude in the garden’s promise of something beautiful to come today. This lupine that my mom planted last year has flourished this spring. We can’t wait to see its brightly colored blooms. Last year, we reworked this spot. It is adjacent to Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 23, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 23, 2024

I found my gratitude in a flower bed this morning. Yesterday’s hot weather and today’s continued warmth had me watering our newly planted perennials and annuals. As I turned off the water, I noticed that our poppies have produced more buds than ever before. I Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 22, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 22, 2024

I found my gratitude outside and inside the farmhouse today. I spent a long day working outside with my mom. We were treated to a sunny day with warm temperatures. We made the most of it. Our riding mower has been out of commission, so Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 21, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 21, 2024

I shared my gratitude for the buds on this Korean Spice Viburnum with you last week. I was delighted to see today that those buds had begun to open up into the delicate little flowers I had been waiting for. Not only are these blooms Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 20, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 20, 2024

I found my gratitude in a rainy morning. I grabbed my camera and headed outside. I couldn’t wait to find raindrops waiting for me to capture them. Usually, I head straight for the flowers. There’s nothing prettier than a colorful flower petal with raindrops clinging Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 19, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 19, 2024

I found my gratitude in the farmhouse kitchen today. In this moment, my loaf of sourdough bread was resting while the oven finished preheating. Sunlight was streaming in the kitchen window. I was grateful for all of it. I have enjoyed baking bread for my Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 18, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 18, 2024

I found gratitude and hope in the same place today. It was waiting for me in the garden. That wasn’t much of a surprise. This time of year, the garden is full of both hope and gratitude. There’s the hope of a beautiful season to Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 17, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 17, 2024

I found my gratitude while doing my morning chores today. I walked underneath this old Japanese Flowering Crabapple tree as I headed to the duck house. It is covered with gorgeous dark pink blooms this time of year. They smell as wonderful as they look. Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 16, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 16, 2024

I found my gratitude in the promise of ripe, red strawberries this morning. It rained early, so there were still raindrops clinging to bright green leaves and flower petals when I headed outside to do my morning chores. I love seeing those heavy drops of Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 15, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 15, 2024

I can always count on nature to give me a reason for gratitude. I hadn’t been outside long when I came upon these bleeding hearts. I shared them with you last week when they hadn’t fully come into bloom. They are glorious right now. They Read More

A Year of Gratitude – May 14, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 14, 2024

I found my gratitude today in the first signs of blooms on our Korean Spice Viburnum. These tightly held buds hold blooms that will open soon and show us their beauty. Each spring, this plant produces mounds of delicate pink and white blooms. They don’t Read More