A New Year’s Gift from Me to You

A New Year’s Gift from Me to You

2022 was a big year here at 1840 Farm. We began offering subscriptions to 1840 Farm a year ago and have been working with our Farmhouse Friend Subscribers to build a more robust community together. We’ve been creating digital recipe collections in our new magazine-style format for our subscribers and are compiling them into our first print publication that we hope to release in 2023. We have big plans for the New Year and can’t wait to get started!

Our new subscriptions allow us to focus on creating great content to share with you and help to cover the increasing costs of supporting our blog.  As we greet the New Year, we’d like to invite you to have a FREE three month subscription, a season if you will, so that you can have a peak at what we are creating and sharing with our subscribers. You will be the first to see each new recipe and have a look inside the exclusive content we’re sharing with our subscribers. During your free season, you’ll be able to help yourself to the digital recipe collections in our Farmhouse Friends Library.

Don’t worry, subscriber or not, you’ll always be welcome at 1840 Farm and we’ll have plenty of recipes and ideas to share with everyone in 2023. No matter how you choose to enjoy our content, we hope that you will cook and bake along with us all year long.

There’s no catch, you can sign up for free without any strings attached. You don’t need to enter payment information; you don’t need to remember to cancel a membership before the season ends. We’ll even promise to share a special subscription rate with you before your three months comes to an end.

You can select the Membership Level FREE Season of Farmhouse Friends Subscription to claim your free season. A season’s subscription is a $15 value, so if you’d rather apply that gift of a free season to a year’s subscription and pay $30 instead of $45 to enjoy our subscriber’s only content for a full year, you can select the Farmhouse Friends Annual Payment Subscription and apply the coupon code “NewYear2023” to receive your discount.

No matter how you choose to enjoy our content, we can’t wait to cook and bake along with you all year long!

*Special offer and discount code expires on January 31, 2023