The Gardens at 1840 Farm
You’re invited to take a photo tour of the gardens at 1840 Farm. Click on a photo to enlarge.

It didn't take long for me to start dreaming of new garden space after returning home from my trip!

It's a Swiss chard and Italian sausage pasta kind of evening here. This pasta dish is a family favorite. What's for dinner at your house? #1840farm #food #farmhousekitchen

Good morning! Over the weekend, this patch of Johnny Jump Ups bloomed right in the center of the walking path in our heirloom garden. It would be easier to remove them rather than abandoning that path while they are blooming. Yet, I just can't bring my

I see a lot of rhubarb in our future. I better get all of my rhubarb recipes ready!

I just finished putting together the second round of our 2016 Heirloom Seed Collections. They're in our shop and ready to ship out bright and early on Monday morning. I'd love to know which of these nine collections is your favorite. Which one do you l

We are expecting a very cold evening tonight with temperatures in the 30s. I harvested everything that the garden had to offer including these husk cherries, burr gherkins, and cherry tomatoes. I plan to enjoy every last bite that the garden can provide.

As we put the garden to bed for the winter, I can't help but reflect on this year's garden and begin dreaming of next year. We'll definitely be growing the heirloom Wapsipinicom Peach Tomato next year. This tomato is among our favorites with regard to fla

We have a freeze in our forecast this coming weekend, so I will be harvesting everything the garden has to offer this week. Today, it held heirloom cherry tomatoes, husk cherries, burr gherkins, and rhubarb. I am never ready for gardening season to come t

October garden harvests make me so happy. This morning, I found ripe heirloom tomatoes, husk cherries, sheepnose peppers, and rhubarb waiting for me. I hope that our temperatures will allow us to keep enjoying fresh produce a little while longer. Fingers

This time of year, our homemade hoop house really earns its keep. Our temperatures at night have been dipping into the 30s, but this little unheated structure is keeping the last of our tomato plants and herbs from freezing. It looks like we have a few

Our gardening season is about to come to an end. I plan to enjoy every last bite of homegrown produce before it's all said and done. It's my favorite way to celebrate another successful growing season. Tonight, we're making a cast iron skillet ratatouil

Happy Father's Day from 1840 Farm! Yesterday, we discovered the first zinnia bloom in our garden. We plant zinnias from seed every year and love watching the blooms dance in the breeze in our gardens. They attract beneficial pollinators and remind us o

Our Concord Grape vines are looking good this year. I have my fingers crossed that this will be the year that we harvest enough grapes to make a batch of jelly. We haven't had much success with these vines producing fruit, but they look lovely when they c

Our First Heirloom Tomato of the Season! Look what I just discovered while doing my morning room of chores. I was watering the heirlooms in the hoop house and there it was: our first heirloom tomato on the vine! Start the countdown until we can harves

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Happy Rainy Monday! We woke up to the sound of rain gently falling outside. We need the moisture desperately, so I plan to celebrate it by sharing this photo of our white peony bloom catching a little rain in front of the old barn. Here's hoping that you

These beautiful wildflowers are flourishing between the main chicken coop and barn this spring. Seeing them while I was doing my morning chores certainly improved my day. I hope that seeing this photo in your newsfeed will improve yours!

Our heirloom seedlings look fantastic this year. In a few days, these plants will begin to move out to the garden. Are you planting in your garden this weekend? #garden #heirloom #seed #growyourown

It's starting to look and feel a lot more like gardening season here at 1840 Farm. We're hoping to get the first heirloom tomatoes in the ground this week along with onions, garlic, and a few other early season crops. Are you working in your garden this

A few baby basil leaves from the root cellar of the farmhouse made our family dinner into a feast. We dined on our own canned tomato sauce from last year's garden over pasta garnished with these basil leaves and a bit of Parmesan it was a delicious remi

Our heirloom seedlings are thriving down in the farmhouse root cellar. I can't wait to plant them out in the garden next week. What do you have growing in the garden outside or inside until it is planting time? #garden #seeds #heirloom #nonGMO #growyou

Do you grow Mortgage Lifter Heirloom Tomatoes? They seem to find their way into our tomato patch every year. The legend behind this tomato is almost as delightful as it's flavor. It's really no wonder that these seeds have stood the test of time. Read a

We have another foot or more of snow on the way and a storm that may last 85+ hours! So, I am dreaming of spring and adding brightly colored baskets and heirloom seed collections to our Etsy Shop. I just restocked our seed collections. Now it's time to

Look what finally arrived: the seeds for our 2015 Heirloom Seed Collection! I hope that you're ready to meet all nine of our collections this week! #garden #gardening #seeds #heirloom

Am I alone in seeing the irony in the fact that the delivery of our seeds for this year's 1840 Farm Heirloom Seed Collection has been delayed by this week's blizzard? More than 125 packages of seeds were scheduled for delivery on Wednesday. A check of t

This morning, I'm finalizing the selections for this year's 1840 Farm Heirloom Seed Collection. I can't wait to add these collections to our shop and start sharing the stories behind each heirloom variety with you. I think that our 2015 collection will b

It's time to put the finishing touches on The 2015 Heirloom Seed Collection! We're partnering with Fresh Eggs Daily, Happy Days Farm, and Seeds of the Month Club this year to bring you an even more fabulous collection of our favorite heirloom seeds. I'm

It has been cold and snowy here for the last week. I know that the calendar has us firmly in winter, but I'm daydreaming of spring and summer. I can't wait to start planting the garden and then enjoying every delicious bite of fresh food. Am I the only

It's 26 degrees outside and I am dreaming of spring. It was the perfect day for my Seeds of the Month Club shipment to arrive! Who else is dreaming of spring and gardening today? #garden #nongmo

This may be the last garden fresh dinner of the year at 1840 Farm. I plan to enjoy every last bite and take comfort in knowing that we have many meals put away in the pantry and the freezer. I'll also remind myself that we're one day closer to next year'

Harvesting nearly two pounds of ripe heirloom tomatoes from the unheated hoop house on the first day of November in New England seems like a major accomplishment. Thanks to Advance Greenhouses for making these beauties possible by helping me to choose the

There's something so interesting about Milkweed. We love to watch butterflies flit about their green leaves all summer. Today, we watched the dry seed pods dance in the fall breeze.

The fall foliage in New England has been gorgeous this year. This beautiful Maple tree is right outside our farmhouse door. Isn't it the loveliest color? #fall #foliage

This time of year, I am delighted with even a tiny heirloom tomato harvest. Each ripe fruit could be the last of the season, which makes them seem even more precious. Thanks to the unheated hoop house, we are still enjoying fresh tomatoes almost every day

The path to the chicken coop looked like a carpet of fall foliage this morning. Isn't it beautiful?

We had visitors this evening when we headed out to the barn to do chores. Look closely and you'll see a large rafter of wild turkeys. This was the largest group we had ever seen!

It's chilly and rainy outside, but the heirloom tomatoes are still going strong inside our unheated hoop house. Finding this beautifully ripe Blondkopfchen made my day! #garden #heirloom #tomato

Discovering these in the hoop house certainly made my day! #tomato #garden #heirloom

It's easy to see why I love our old Sugar Maple Tree, isn't it? #fall #foliage
Dear Jennifer,
I love your site! I would have liked to be able to follow each photo back to the blog post it originated from. Your partial descriptions made me want to know more! Direct links to those articles would be a boon to your new followers. Like me for instance. 🙂
Thank you for all the loveliness,
PS: I realize that catching up would be a herculean task, but maybe you could do it for any new photographs?
I am glad that you enjoyed browsing through our photo gallery. I’ll add your suggestion to my to-do list. Stay tuned and I hope that you’ll visit again soon!
I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to. Our supplier is no longer allowing small accounts like ours to purchase wholesale from them. I am looking for other companies in the hopes of having the same quality seeds to offer this year. Stay tuned!