A Year of Gratitude – July 5, 2024

My gratitude was delicious today. How could I be anything but grateful for a homemade raspberry peach pie?
My mom baked up dessert for the Fourth of July using our own raspberries and a few peaches thrown in for good measure. It was such a delicious treat.
I am usually the pie baker in our family, but it was wonderful to simply enjoy eating a pie without having baked it myself. I don’t remember the last time someone else made me a homemade pie, but it was a long time ago.
Pie is special to me. It reminds me of my grandmother. She was a skilled pie baker. She made it look so easy although I know now as an adult that it wasn’t. She was just very practiced at it.
I could always count on her to make not one, not two, but often three kinds of pie when we would visit. I looked forward to every bite. I still think fondly of those pies all these decades later.
I’ll be thinking fondly of this pie for days. It’s so delicious and the perfect way to welcome raspberry season. There’s something extra special about a pie made using something you have grown in your own garden.
There’s also something special about a pie made for you by someone who loves you. The love gets baked right in, it makes everything taste better. Every bite reminds you that someone thinks you are worth the effort, that someone wanted to go to that effort to create something delicious for you.
This pie was the highlight of my holiday. The slice I have tonight will be the highlight of my day today. With any luck, I’ll be able to return the favor soon and share some pie with her. She’s definitely worth the effort.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.