A Year of Gratitude – June 9, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 9, 2024

It was easy to find a reason for gratitude today. My mom made a batch of brown butter chocolate chip cookie bars. They were just the sort of comfort I needed.

It was a rainy day here. I was settled in at my computer, working on a project that I just can’t seem to reach the end of. I was working, forging ahead, but a bit disheartened by how much time this never-ending project had gone on. She delivered cookie bars and suddenly, there was a bit of light in my grey day.

I made myself a cup of coffee in one of my favorite mugs, cut a square of cookie bar, and went back to work. It’s amazing how much more tolerable the drudgery of a task can be if I have a cup of coffee or tea and something warm and delicious.

That was made even more so when I discovered that my mom had baked them because she knew that I was working on this project again today. She knew that I needed a bit of a pick me up. She certainly delivered one.

It’s easy to be grateful for a cookie, or in this case cookie bar. It’s also easy to be thankful that I have a mom who is always there to help brighten my day. Chocolate chip cookies and a mom’s love and care made for gratitude that I didn’t have to look for today. They were just there for me to appreciate and enjoy. I sure did.

I hope that your day gave you the same sort of easy gratitude.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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