A Year of Gratitude – May 29, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 29, 2024

I found gratitude in this gorgeous iris today. It seemed to be standing tall, waiting for me to arrive to capture its photo.  The breeze was blowing softly. The pretty bloom seemed to be dancing on its leggy stem. I waited for it to swing back to the right, hoping that it would be in focus.

So many of the photos I took captured this bloom out of focus. This one seemed to have caught the dancing flower at just the right moment. It’s beauty is captured in time as if it was frozen motionless.

Do you ever have a moment in life like that? One where the world seems to be moving so fast, where you are running so hard just to keep up only to find a moment of calm where you seem to be able to stand still for just a moment to catch your breath? I had one of those moments today and was reminded of how much it was like the moment when I captured this photo.

There’s beauty to be found in those wild moments when things are moving fast, but there’s just as much beauty in the still moments like this one. I’m so glad that I was there to witness them both and that I could be here to share this one with you.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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