A Year of Gratitude – May 13, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 13, 2024

I found my gratitude through the branches of our magnolia tree today. I was out working in the yard. I stood up and turned towards the old farmhouse. The magnolia was half the distance between me and the house.

As I drew closer to the tree, I started to see the farmhouse through the branches, around the lovely pink flowers. I look forward to seeing these flowers each spring. They’re so big and showy. The tree is covered in them and seems to be willing to hold them forever. And then, in the span of just a few days, the petals drop to the ground below.

Through those branches and around the pink petals, I saw my favorite place: home. It was just a house when we moved here, and an abandoned one at that. Slowly, over the last 19 years, it transformed into a place that feels like I was always supposed to be here.

I’m not finished transforming the inside and outside of this grand old dame of a house. I have so many projects and ideas to help her become the cozy home I know her to be in each and every room.

We’ve transformed the grounds around the house in such a dramatic way over the years. It’s difficult to remember what it looked like with the overgrown plantings that hadn’t been tended to while the house was empty. But this magnolia was here long before we were.

Someone planted this tree long before I ever laid eyes on this house. I’m so glad that they did. We have enjoyed it every year that we have called this place home. We have tended to it and done our part to keep it healthy in the hope that it will continue to brighten this space and bloom for years to come.

I’m grateful to call this place home and to spend my days with my family helping to keep this old house going and continuing to make this piece of earth it stands on more beautiful year after year.

#gratitude #thankful #thankfulness #mindful #mindfulness #grateful #family #love #yard #lawn #magnolia #tree #flowers #farm #house #home #farmhouse

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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