A Year of Gratitude – May 2, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – May 2, 2024

I found my gratitude in the studio today. During this busy time of year in the gardens, it becomes more difficult to find time to spend at the sewing machine. Today, I was bound and determined to make time to spend there.

Mother Nature gave us a day that was grey and drizzly outside. That weather made it a bit easier for me to be inside rather than out. The skies parted this afternoon for a brief bit of time and the sun came out. I pushed back from my chair and went outside for a few minutes to stretch my legs and enjoy the daylight.

Penny Lane came outside with me. We collected fresh eggs from the coop, took a stroll through the garden to check on the strawberry plants, and enjoyed the crisp air and warm sunshine.

When I came back inside, there were beautiful fabrics waiting for me. Some days I have an easy time seeing a combination of colors and patterns and just knowing what it should become. I can almost see it as an egg basket to collect fresh eggs from the coop, or a trug basket to hold soft skeins of yarn for a knitting project. Some colors seem perfect for trivets and coasters.

Today, I struggled to see what the fabrics before me should become. I puttered around a bit, working on a few new sizes and shapes, testing to see how they should be stitched together. I got lost in one of those tests and found myself looking up to discover that it was time to make dinner.

Luckily, the pretty fabrics will be waiting for me tomorrow. I’m already looking forward to that time spent at the sewing machine, watching the hand wrapped lengths of cording my daughter has prepared for me pass between my hands and take shape with each turn.

With any luck, I’ll look at the fabrics before me tomorrow morning with fresh eyes and know what they should become. And if I don’t’, I’ll figure it out as I go. In the end, they’ll become what they were supposed to be. They usually do and I’m grateful for that creative freedom and the feeling of accomplishment I feel when my daughter and I turn scraps of fabric into something beautiful and useful.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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