A Year of Gratitude – January 17, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 17, 2024

Most days, I try to find my gratitude in small places. I look for it in the everyday moments that I know I am grateful for but that might go overlooked.

Today, I found it in the bright sunshine on a cold winter’s day, a homemade latte as a warm afternoon treat, and Penny Lane’s face looking back at me from my coffee mug. On their own, each of those are gifts that I might overlook as I went about my day.

I was on my way to the sewing machine to spend an afternoon stitching and stopped for this moment to capture a photo to share with you. In that moment, I was filled with gratitude for these small moments and that gratitude spilled over onto the rest of my day.

I breathed in that gratitude and took it with me to the studio where the real Penny Lane was waiting for me. I sat down to stitch up hearts which just felt like the best way to take my gratitude and create something that will be enjoyed by someone else, something that they might see on a day when they need a small piece of gratitude to hold onto.

I hope that you can find your gratitude today. I find it so helpful to look for mine so that I can share it with you. I hope that you’ll share yours with all of us here.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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