A Year of Gratitude – January 16, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – January 16, 2024

I started the New Year by sharing a daily gratitude post each day. I am determined to make this a year of gratitude. If I get to make decisions about how my 2024 shapes up, and I believe that I do, then I want it to be a year filled with kindness, generosity of spirit, and gratitude for all the wonderful gifts I have in my life.

I hope that by looking for a daily bit of gratitude to share with you that I will find gratitude in abundance hiding in plain sight. I also hope that seeing these posts will help to brighten your day.

Since I started sharing these posts daily, I have heard from so many of you. You have shared your daily gratitude, shared your daily practice of looking for the gifts in your life and for sharing kindness with the people you spend your days with. It’s been an unexpected and very welcome way of filling my days with positivity and kindness.

I plan to keep right on sharing and I hope that you will too. I’m documenting this Year of Gratitude on our blog, collecting the daily posts in one place to remind myself of the moments that mark this year as it marches through the calendar.

Today, my gratitude is for you. I am so glad that you are here. I am touched that you would take time out of your busy day to spend it with me, that you would share part of your life with all of us. I do honestly believe that gratitude is multiplied when it is shared with others. If your cup of kindness and gratitude is full to the brim, it can spill over onto the people in your lives in the most beautiful way and help them to fill their cup to overflowing.

I hope that you find both gratitude and kindness today and that you share them with the people in your life. Thank you again for sharing them both with me.

If you’d like to see the growing collection of daily gratitude posts, you’ll find them gathered together here:

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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