A Year of Gratitude – November 4, 2024

I found my gratitude in a cozy spot tonight. I can’t imagine how many times I have sat in this place with Penny Lane by my side. I only know that it is among the most peaceful places I can end the day in.
It has been far warmer than usual here lately. The stove hasn’t needed to come on to battle a chill in the farmhouse for several days. It was nearly 80 degrees a few days ago, such a rare weather reality for New England on the last day of October.
It was pleasant today, a light jacket sort of day with warm sunshine. Tonight, the temperature dipped just low enough for the stove to light while Penny was preparing to take her evening nap. You can see how close to napping she is just looking at her tired eyes in this photo.
A few minutes after I took this photo, she settled down with her head on a pillow. I grabbed a blanket and a book and decided to snuggle in right next to her. The only sound in the farmhouse was the plink of wood pellets in the hopper as they fed the fire, keeping us cozy on the couch together.
These moments are among my favorites. There’s so much to be grateful for in these quiet, ordinary moments. First of all, I am thankful for recognizing how much joy can be found in them. I sure found plenty of it tonight sitting right here in this cozy moment with Penny Lane.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.