A Year of Gratitude – November 22, 2024

I found a reason for gratitude in the farmhouse kitchen today. My daughter and I were in the kitchen baking up a treat for someone we love.
I could have stopped right there. I was in the kitchen with good company and a good cause. We had music playing, Penny Lane was napping on her bed next to the kitchen table. I was happy just to be in that space.
We decided to try a new recipe. We spent some time looking online at different recipes. A few had been passed down for generations, a few had new techniques and ideas. We gathered the information together and set about to make our very own version of Italian Rainbow Cookies.
I’ll share a photo of the finished cookies with you tomorrow. Today, I just wanted to enjoy the process of making them. We mixed and baked, washed dishes, and assembled the layers with a thin layer of strawberry jam between them. Then we melted chocolate and coated the whole thing top and bottom in a layer of chocolate. Once it set, we cut it into squares.
Yes, they were delicious. While I am always happy about a delicious bite, I was even happier about spending time with someone I love doing something we love to do together. Those are the sort of moments I can easily find gratitude for.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.