A Year of Gratitude – November 21, 2024

I stepped outside this morning and found a reason to be grateful. As I approached the chicken coop to let our girls out for the day, I looked down and noticed that the lavender had bloomed.
I love lavender, so fresh blooms are always a lovely sight. In late November, they are rare. In fact, I have never seen them bloom this late in the year.
I ran my hand over the fuzzy leaves. I could smell the aroma of the lavender as it floated up in the air towards me. Oh, how I do love the scent of lavender. It seems even more delightful when it is growing in your garden.
It really is the little things that have such grand power to set my day off in a positive direction. It certainly was today. These tiny purple flowers and the leaves beneath were such a wonderful way to greet the new day.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.