A Year of Gratitude – November 14, 2024

I found my reason for gratitude early this morning. That’s really saying something for a person who is not now, nor never has been, a morning person.
This morning, I opened the curtains and sunlight came in from the window, illuminating this orchid in bloom. It’s small plant I bought years ago. I spent a few dollars on it and it has continued to produce these colorful blooms every so often. They delight me.
There’s something about an orchid that seems special. Perhaps it is their unique growing habit. Maybe it is because they are so colorful. Whatever the reason, the blooms just fill me with joy.
To see this bloom touched by sunshine within moments of waking up was such a pleasant way to begin my day. As I gazed at the flower, I smiled at the handmade wooden boxes in the background. They were made by my parents many years ago. They are such a treasure to me.
I only wish that a photo could do this orchid and these boxes justice. I hope that seeing them might brighten your day, set it off on a pleasant course and that you just might see something beautiful to begin your day.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.