A Year of Gratitude – October 30, 2024

My reason for gratitude was on the ground in front of me this afternoon. Fall had made a carpet of gorgeous color glistening in the sunshine. It was such a beautiful sight to see.
And yet, it’s the sort of sight that I often overlook. Life gets busy and gives me so many reasons to be preoccupied just enough to hurry past rather than stop to take a breath and take in something as beautiful as this.
Today, I stopped not because of this beautiful view. Ironically, I stopped because one of our ducks was letting out a loud cackle. If you’ve ever kept ducks, you know the distinct sound. It truly sounds as if someone is laughing rather loudly.
So, when our duck let out that loud sound, I stopped. I felt a smile come across my face as I often do when they let out that funny sound. Then I looked in front of me and saw these beautiful leaves seemingly laid out in a path ahead of me, just beyond this crook in a tree.
How lucky I am to have been given a reason to stop and notice them. I guess that I have a duck’s call to thank for it. Whatever the reason, I’m sure glad that I saw it.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.