A Year of Gratitude – October 24, 2024

I found my gratitude at the sewing machine today. I will admit that I haven’t been finding it there as often as I would like lately. I was so happy to find it there today.
Life has been busy and it hasn’t allowed much time to take a deep breath and sew. Instead, it has been a rush to try and fit in enough time at the sewing machine to sew what I need to. It’s a small shift, but it really does make such a difference.
That’s the nature of things, I suppose. There are things we do for joy and relaxation. There are other things we do because of need, purpose, or income. Every so often, those can all converge into a single activity.
Most of the time, I can hold all of those goals separately while I am in the studio. I can find joy and purpose, relaxation, and hopefully a bit of income to help support the farm and the content I love to share with you. I’ve been having a struggle to hold those goals in a way that keeps them connected with each other.
Today, I found that place again. I found as much joy in finding that space, in creating it for myself, as I did in making things at the sewing machine to share with you. In the end, I had to remember that making things is part of what makes me happy.
The trick is in remembering to allow that pursuit to bring happiness to my day. I have to invite it in. Today I did and it was such a warm companion. I’ll hope to find it again tomorrow, and if I am very lucky, the next day.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.