A Year of Gratitude – September 7, 2024

My gratitude this morning was related to my gratitude from yesterday. Yesterday, I was thankful to have a full dozen of fresh eggs from our hens in the farmhouse kitchen. This time of year, when the girls slow down their laying pattern, a dozen is the number that lets me use fresh eggs to do a bit of baking without completely dwindling our supply.
So, I did a bit of baking last night. I made a blueberry banana cake. It’s a recipe I have been making for at least 20 years, maybe a few years longer than that. My children grew up with this recipe.
When the cake stand on the kitchen counter has a blueberry banana Bundt cake underneath its glass dome, there’s no need to wonder what’s for breakfast. When they were small, they would have a slice with a glass of cold goat’s milk from our dairy goats. These days, we all enjoy it with a cup of coffee or tea.
Looking at a slice of this cake reminds me of how many times I have served this cake at our family breakfast table. I hope that I’ll be serving it for many years more to my loved ones when they gather around my table. The thought of that is something to be so thankful for.
I am working on a new version of this recipe. In the meantime, you can find the original right here.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.