A Year of Gratitude – August 5, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – August 5, 2024

My gratitude was waiting for me in the perennial garden this morning. It’s easy for me to find gratitude there. It’s a space that grows reasons for me to be thankful.

I have been watching this particular hydrangea bloom open up. I have made an effort to look at it each morning, to stop and see how it has changed from the day before. Today was the morning when it was fully open.

It’s beautiful. The color is so vibrant and unlike the other hydrangeas we have here on the farm. We have an array of colors but only one that produces blooms in this color.

We’ve been treated to a glorious hydrangea season this summer. Last year we had nary a bloom in spite of the plants being covered in lush green foliage. This year, they have been the most bountiful we have ever seen.

The garden does grow reasons for me to be thankful. It also reminds me that a spot that holds disappointment this year might treat me to something beautiful next year. I have to be patient and trust that something wonderful is in store. This year, it was.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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