A Year of Gratitude – July 31, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – July 31, 2024

I found myself feeling grateful for an unexpected discovery this afternoon. I was out in the garden, picking ripe tomatoes. That is enough to fill me with gratitude, especially when I help myself to a few cherry tomatoes still warm from the sun.

Then I made my discovery. I was checking on our pepper plants. They have been slow to produce this year. The foliage is lush and the plants are healthy and well fed. They’ve just needed more time than usual to set fruit. They have peppers on now and I hope that they’ll hit their stride soon.

As I was looking over the peppers, I discovered something in the distance behind them. It was this flower on an eggplant that had seemed like it was not going to set a single flower. Here it is, trying to produce a delicious meal for my family’s table.

And so, the discovery of this light purple flower which I hope will become a dark purple eggplant made my day. It’s always nice when life surprises you in a positive way, reminds you that delightful possibilities are often hiding in plain sight.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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