A Year of Gratitude – July 27, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – July 27, 2024

I found my gratitude in making a connection from something I saw in the garden to my past. It was in this hydrangea bloom. Looking at the photo as I type this post is making me smile all these hours later.

We’ve had this hydrangea tree in our garden for years now. I have always loved it because it was a gift from a friend. Somehow, that makes it all the more beautiful to me.

The blooms on this tree open up as pure cream and white. Then, ever so gradually, they transform into a pale pink and then a deep pink color. Somewhere, along this stage, they appear to have pink polka dots on them.

There’s something about this stage in its blooming cycle that seems a bit whimsical. Perhaps it is the polka dots. Maybe it is the random patterns made by the pink pigment as it becomes more visible. Whatever it is, I think that I might enjoy this stage even more than its eventual, gorgeous pink blooms.

But on to the memory. I remember very well how much my daughter loved these flowers when she was a little girl. She loved all things pink and these flowers were among her favorites. She would get so excited to see the petals begin to turn pink.

When I look at them today, I can’t help but be reminded of those days so many years ago. They’re such sweet memories. I hold them close to my heart and am thankful for the reminder of how special those days were.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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