A Year of Gratitude – June 7, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 7, 2024

I stepped outside the farmhouse to find that the garden had been watered by Mother Nature. That was reason enough for gratitude. I was tired and crossing one more chore from my to do list was appreciated. As I made my way through my farm chores, I spotted this beautiful pale peach bearded iris.

I had been waiting for this color of iris to bloom. It’s such a light color and so different from the other iris we keep in our gardens. It’s nearly the color of one of the poppies that blooms nearby. We only have a few stems of this color. Somehow, its rarity in our garden makes me look forward to it even more.

It’s interesting how that works. The less you have of something, the more precious it becomes. It’s perfectly natural to view something that is in limited quantity as special, but I find that we rarely talk about how that applies to the people in our lives. The topic seems to be mostly reserved for possessions.

It’s the people that I hold as most precious in my life. I know that our time together is finite, that I should make the most of every moment. I was grateful for the reminder today that I want to keep striving to enjoy the time I spend with the people I care about, to be present with them.

After all, our time in this life is the only resource we can’t make more of.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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