A Year of Gratitude – June 18, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 18, 2024

It would be easy to find gratitude in this gorgeous flower. This white iris is such a unique bloom in our garden. It stands out among the colorful and vibrant irises that have been blooming over the last few weeks.

We have white peonies in bloom right now, but even they have a hint of pink to their petals. This bearded iris has a bit of yellow near the center, but from a distance, it appears as white as new snow against the green leaves and fresh wood chips we’ve added as mulch this spring.

I mentioned the other day that I was grateful for a reminder from humble marigolds that ordinary things can be extraordinarily beautiful. This white iris reminded me that what some people might consider plain can also be beautiful.

I don’t think that this only applies to flowers in our gardens. I consider myself to be ordinary and I am sure that others would find my preference for staying home, for simple things to be of the plainest sort. Yet they suit me, and I don’t find myself wanting for extravagant things. I prefer simple things. They suit me just fine.

This flower might get passed over for the bright purple and yellow flowers blooming nearby. Sure, they are beautiful, and I enjoy them very much. But there’s something to this simple bloom standing tall and sure of itself that inspires me to try and do the same. I will try to not be apologetic for my ordinary nature because there’s nothing to apologize for. Just like this flower, I’ll stand tall and simply be who I am. Sometimes the simple act of being yourself, of being genuine is the most extraordinary thing you can choose to be.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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