A Year of Gratitude – June 15, 2024

A Year of Gratitude – June 15, 2024

Gratitude was tucked under a giant green leaf in the garden this morning. I was on my morning round of chores. It was a wonderful surprise to find so early in my morning.

I walked down to the duck house with a pail of fresh water. If you’ve ever kept ducks, you know that their fresh water doesn’t stay fresh for very long. They’re so messy. I’m convinced that they like mud more than clean water.

I filled their waterers, added feed to the hanging feeder, and let them out to begin their day. Opening their house to their covered run is a bit like opening the door to a clown car. They all clamor out the door, eager to be the first one out. They bump into each other, stumble over one another, and begin their day in a goofy fashion.

As they made their morning racket and ate their breakfast, I wandered around the garden that surrounds their cozy duck house. We have been working in that garden this year, reimagining it a bit. As I walked around, I spotted something bright red underneath the lush foliage in one of the garden beds.

I brushed the leaves aside with the back of my hand and discovered this gorgeous ripe strawberry. In a stroke of gardener’s luck, it hadn’t been nibbled by a garden pest. It didn’t have a single spot on it that wasn’t perfectly ripe. It was as if it had been there waiting for me, testing to see if I would notice it.

I plucked it from the vine, brought it to my mouth, and took a bite. It was sweet and juicy, full of that bold flavor of a ripe berry. I reached down and found a few more to bring inside with me. Then I weeded a bit, gathering the weeds to give to our chickens.

It was a simple way to begin my morning. I stood for a moment before heading back into the farmhouse with a handful of strawberries and a basket full of fresh eggs and turned my face towards the sun. I closed my eyes and listened while the sparrows and robins sang in the distance.

And yes, the ducks were still making their morning racket. I smiled at how much joy they find in their daily life. They take so much delight in their morning routine. I guess, in many ways, I do too. In fact, I had this morning. And as an added bonus, there were fresh strawberries to enjoy with my lovely morning.

This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.

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