A Year of Gratitude – February 25, 2024

My gratitude was easy to find today. It greeted me as I entered the farmhouse kitchen for my morning cup of coffee. Coffee, sunshine, and Amarylis that just keep putting out beautiful blooms were a trio of reasons for me to be grateful.
I am not now, now have I ever been, a morning person. I was up very early this morning, a fact that I wasn’t too thrilled about. I shuffled into the kitchen to feed Penny Lane her breakfast. She is always eager for breakfast, so that is my first order of business.
As she ate, I made my early morning rounds. I opened the curtains in the dining room and parlor room. I set out the blanket that Penny likes to take her post breakfast nap on, I added wood pellets to the pellet stove. Then I let Penny out so that she could have a romp in her backyard. It was a short romp this morning. It was too cold for her liking.
Now it was time for me to get that cup of coffee. I grabbed a mug and poured a cup. It was then, as I turned around, that I saw this sight. The sunshine was streaming in the windows. The Amarylis were standing up so tall that they were eye level with me.
What a beautiful sight they were. My mom planted this trio of bulbs for me back in December. She gave them to me and I waited (sometimes impatiently) for them to bloom. They started blooming several weeks ago and have been putting out these beautiful flowers in abundance. They just keep going, keep making new flowers with these striking red and white petals.
As I stopped to look at them, I took a deep breath and took the first sip of coffee. I listened as Penny jumped up on the couch, on that blanket I set out for her, turned around a few times, and settled in to get comfy. Everything was as it should be and I had these pretty flowers and sunshine to enjoy. That’s a wonderful way to begin a day even if you aren’t a morning person.
I hope that your day gave you something beautiful to enjoy.
This post is part of our A Year of Gratitude Series. You can find the introduction, inspiration, and entire year’s gratitude’s posts here.