Purple Calabash Heirloom Tomato

Purple Calabash Heirloom Tomatoes have been in the 1840 Farm vegetable gardens since our first summer living here in 2006. Every year, we look forward to that first slice of Purple Calabash still warm from the sunshine. If I had to choose just one tomato to grow, this variety would be in the running.
The Purple Calabash has a rich flavor and striking appearance. The ripened fruits are slightly flattened and beautifully ruffled with a burgundy to deep purple color. The vines are prolific producers of medium fruits around 3″ wide.
The taste of the Purple Calabash is often compared to red wines such as Cabernet. The taste is rich and full of old-fashioned tomato flavor with just the right blend of sweetness and acidity. The flesh is smooth and meaty with evenly distributed seeds. We love to enjoy this tomato on freshly grilled panini with mozzarella and basil. The flavor of the Purple Calabash really sings when it is used in a slowly simmered tomato sauce.
One bite of a perfectly ripe Purple Calabash Heirloom Tomato and you would understand why we love this variety so much. Every year, I expect to find a new variety that I will enjoy just as much. It’s been seven years and I still haven’t found a tomato that can compete in terms of appearance, yield, or more importantly, taste. Next year, there will again be Purple Calabash tomato seedlings growing in the heirloom garden at 1840 Farm.
I am looking for Purple Calabash tomato plants, as well as other dark and large-fruiting heirloom tomatoes but am having no luck. I am in Canada. If you can e-mail me info where I can get them, I would be very greatful.
Thanks; Tina
I wish that I knew where you could get plants, but I sadly don’t have anywhere to recommend. I usually purchase my seeds from Baker Creek. I know that most seed companies are having trouble keeping seeds in stock and shipping them in a timely fashion this year. You can see their purple tomato offerings right here: https://www.rareseeds.com/store/vegetables/tomatoes/purple. If I come across a supplier for you, I will be sure to share them with you right here. I sure hope that you’ll be able to find them because they’re delicious. Good luck!
I purchased my heirloom purple calabash tomato seeds from Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello website. They weren’t plants, I sprouted them from seed and it was easy, a very good yield. Good luck!
Like you, I have also purchased Purple Calabash seeds from Monticello. It was many years ago, but they grew very well for me. I am glad that you enjoyed growing them!
Hi Tina. I know this is 2 years late, but two Canadian Heirloom Seed companies sell them. Heritage Harvest Seed in Manitoba and A’Bunadh Seeds in Alberta. They both have a very wonderful slection of rare heirloom seeds.
Thank you all for providing info on where to purchase seeds for Purple Calabash tomatoes. Wanted to mention, though y’all are probably aware of, but the Burgundy Brandywine is an excellent choice to grow , also, but don’t know how it compares to the Purple Calabash. Always in search for the next “better” tomatoes, if it exists. Going to get my order in early for next season.
Like you, I am always searching for the next great tomato. Thank you for sharing!