Refrigerator Dill Pickles

If cucumbers are being harvested from the garden at 1840 Farm, then you will find multiple jars of refrigerator dill pickles chilling in our fridge. It just wouldn’t seem like summer without them. It’s a great way of preserving fresh cucumbers without needing to spend hours standing over the canning pot.
While I have canned pickles in the past, I was never as happy with the results as I am with these refrigerator pickles. These are fresh and crisp with an intense flavor. Because they are refrigerated, I can vary the recipe however I like without worrying about food safety and extended shelf life.
These pickles couldn’t be any easier to make. Simply prepare the brining liquid and place in glass jars with sliced cucumbers and refrigerate. Within hours, the cucumbers will be infused with the flavor of dill and vinegar. By the next day, they will be pickled perfection.
I keep three pint sized canning jars full of refrigerator dill pickle slices in our refrigerator. As one jar is emptied, I simply slice a fresh cucumber, add the slices to the brining liquid in the jar and return the jar to the refrigerator I use plastic canning lids and write the day that the fresh cucumber was added using a dry erase marker. That way I always know which slices have been brining the longest and can serve those pickles first.
After I have used the brining liquid for several weeks, I make a fresh batch and begin the process all over again. That is, until we run out of fresh cucumbers from the garden.
1840 Farm Refrigerator Dill Pickles
makes three pint jars
Because these pickles are refrigerated instead of prepared for long term storage, the recipe can be adjusted to your preference. If you prefer a sweeter pickle, more sugar can be added. If you like your pickles with more zing, reduce the sugar to intensify the flavor of the vinegar. If you like a little heat, a small dried pepper could be placed in each jar before adding the cucumber slices..
12 ounces white vinegar
5 Tablespoons sea salt
3/4 cup (144 grams) sugar
3 ounces white vinegar
18 whole black peppercorns
3 cloves garlic, peeled and quartered
1 bunch fresh dill
6 cups sliced cucumber
Prepare the brining liquid by combining 12 ounces white vinegar, salt, and sugar in a saucepan. Simmer gently over medium heat until the salt and sugar are fully dissolved. Remove the pan from heat and set aside to cool.
Gather three pint sized glass jars with lids. To each jar, add 1 ounce white vinegar, 6 whole peppercorns, 1 clove of peeled and quartered garlic, and 1 generous handful of dill.
Slice the cucumbers and 2 cups (6 ounces) of slices to each prepared jar. Once the brining liquid has cooled to room temperature, pour approximately 6 ounces into each jar. Cover and agitate slightly to disperse the spices.
Refrigerate until ready to use. These pickles must be refrigerated. They are not intended for long term pantry storage
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Hello 1840Farm,
Interesting Post, I want a simple recipe for bread and butter pickles or refrigerator dills that does not require the sterilizing of jars or anything complicated. Something I can place in a tupperware bowl would be awesome if that is possible
Great Job!
Any idea what these would taste like without the sugar?