The Animals Who Call 1840 Farm Home
Come meet the animals that live at 1840 Farm. Our beloved rescue pup Penny Lane has the job of being the farmhouse dog. Basically, that means that you can almost always find her napping inside the farmhouse. The Nigerian Dwarf goats live in our circa 1840 barn near the heritage breed chickens who live in the coop we built them in 2008. Our rambunctous ducks live in the duck house we chose to make the centerpiece of our heirloom garden. No matter the weather, you’ll hear them quacking long before you reach the farmhouse!
Click on the photos to enlarge.

The day after I returned home, six ducklings were offered to us. Who am I to say no to these cute little faces? After seeing so many chickens, ducks, and geese at Moss Mountain Farm, I couldn't wait to add these ducks to our farm!

Our ducklings are a month old and growing bigger by the day. They're so fun to watch as they explore their outdoor pen. These two are almost always together whether they're outside or in the brooding pen in the old barn. They're inseparable! #1840farm #

This is Penny Lane's favorite spot: smack dab in the middle of my chair. She now takes up almost all of the chair all on her own. It seems like yesterday when I could scoop her up in one arm. Am I the only one with a lap dog that doesn't seem to realize

The dogs were just treated to a bit of fresh egg on top of their breakfast. Penny Lane likes her eggs over easy. In fact, she likes them so much that she is now sitting at her bowl hoping that another one will magically appear! #1840farm #farmhousedog #r

Penny Lane is convinced that she is helping to cook dinner. I know that she is just hoping for something to fall so that she can have a taste! #1840farm #farmhousekitchen #farmhousedog #dinner #pennylane

As you can see, Penny Lane is working tirelessly to help me in the studio today! #1840farm #sew #sewing #farmhousedog #dog #pennylane #rescuedog #heart #etsy #etsyshop

I am getting ready to settle in at the sewing machine while Penny Lane settles in for a morning nap. From the looks of it, being the farmhouse dog is tiring work. Being cute and rambunctious is exhausting! #1840farm #farmhousedog #rescuedog #pennylane

Penny Lane was asleep on my lap last night and has settled in again tonight. Christmas clearly has her worn out. Playing with new toys and taking a long walk were exhausting! I hope that you had a great Christmas just like Penny did! #1840farm #dog#farm

All this Christmas has Penny Lane tuckered out. She's napping on my lap and given up all hope of staying awake to see Santa. I haven't, but I might need one more cookie just to be sure that they're ready! #1840farm #farmhousedog #rescuedog #cookie

We woke up to temperatures in the 40s with rain this morning. Our girls don't mind the temperature, but they prefer to stay dry. Lucky for them, we engineered a simple cover for their run a few weeks ago to prepare them for the winter ahead. They're enj

It's a good thing that our farmhouse has two wood pellet stoves. Pete Townshend's favorite cold weather spot has always been in front of this stove in the dining room. Rather than push her luck by trying to share it with him, Penny Lane has simply settled

After a long walk on a sunny day, the farmhouse dogs are exhausted. Penny Lane has taken up residence under the table in the farmhouse kitchen. Pete headed upstairs for a quiet spot in one of the bedrooms. I don't think that we'll be hearing from either o

The hens couldn't quite understand why I was so intrigued by these red leaves from their Maple tree. They all watched while I was taking pictures. Clearly, they think that I need supervision when I'm near the coop! #1840Farm #farm #chicken #hens #coop #F

It was a very chilly night here. We woke up to temperatures in the 30s, a not so subtle reminder that cold weather is on the horizon. Penny Lane has decided to snuggle up with a blanket and take a nap. I chose to warm up with an extra cup of coffee. The

As you can see, Penny Lane was doing her best to strike a serious farmdog pose for this photo. I think that the comically smiling pink octopus toy in the background is spoiling her plans. I won't tell her if you won't! #dog #puppy #puppies #dogsofinstag

This is Penny Lane's I am not amused face. She just turned back to look at me while I was sewing. We spent the afternoon at the park and she is sleepy and wants to nap. More than that, she'd like the roar of the sewing machine to stop for the evening. I

It's not always easy to speak puppy, but I am fairly confident that this look says, "Mom, isn't it time for breakfast?" #dog #puppy #dogsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #rescuedog #farmdogs

It's Sunday night, so I am writing thank you notes for the orders that will be dropped off at our local post office branch tomorrow. Tonight, I have a helper. Penny Lane is doing her best to assist me. Sure, she's taking a nap on my lap and her penmansh

Penny Lane believes that a sunny afternoon is an invitation to take a nap. Seems like a perfectly good strategy to me! #puppy #dog #dogsofinstagram #farmhousedog #rescuedog

Penny Lane loves a morning cup of coffee as much as I do. Truth be told, this was her sniffing my empty coffee cup after we came inside from playing in the backyard after breakfast. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of her while she had her entire

About two seconds after I took this photo, Penny Lane fell fast asleep. After a short nap in the sunshine, she was ready for a game of chase with Pete. Now Pete's the one who needs a nap! #farmhousedog #dog #dogsofinstagram #puppy

Remember the old door from the farmhouse cellar that I am repurposing as a work table in my studio? Well, Penny Lane seems to have decided that the space below it is perfect for napping. She found a few throw pillows that I have been meaning to recover

Warmer weather is on its way and our hens will be ready to cope with the heat thanks in part to their BriteTap Waterer from ChickenWaterer. This device is ingenious and allows our girls to enjoy cool, crystal clean water even on the hottest summer days.

Learning to play fetch is such tiring work. Penny Lane just might fall asleep as I throw the final toss. It sure looks like she's ready for a nap! #dog #puppy #dogsofinstagram #farmhousedog #rescuedog

After breakfast and a romp in the yard, Penny Lane is ready to take a little nap. A bit of toy chewing is in order first to keep those puppy teeth busy. It's been six years since we had a puppy living with us. I had almost forgotten how sharp puppy teet

Say hello to Penny Lane, the ten week old puppy that we adopted from the Animal Welfare Society in Maine late last week. We don't know all of the details of her short life, but we do know that she was rescued from a kill shelter in Georgia. After a few

Here's the first glimpse of our new family member. I promise to get a closeup to share with you once she's finished sniffing every single blade of grass in the backyard!

We don't find cracked eggs in the nest box very often, but when we do Pete Townshend is very happy. Looking at his dinner, I can't say that I blame him for looking forward to dinner! #dog #dogsofinstagram #farmhousedog #egg

The hens helped get this morning off to a lovely start. When I went out to do my morning chores, this picture perfect speckled egg was waiting for me in the nest box. All of our heritage breed hens lay brown eggs, but these dark speckled eggs are my favor

We woke up to temperatures well below zero this morning. We also discovered that there are two more storms headed our way in the coming days with more significant accumulations of snow. Even my morning coffee couldn't dull the pain dk that news. Thanks t

Our farm dog Pete Townshend is preparing for the storm of the century by taking a nap in the sunshine. Right now, it seems like a pretty good strategy! #dogs #dogsofinstagram #farm #winter

It's a frigid 9 degrees here this morning with lows well below zero headed our way this evening. Wow, it feels miserable out there. Luckily, the sun is shining and there's no snow in the forecast. The hens started their day with warm bowls of banana oatm

When the weather turns bitterly cold, I try to prepare our animals for the elements. This week, our hens will start their day with a bowl of warm oatmeal and a good supply of our Henhouse Morning Mix. I'll be checking on their water supply throughout th

The coldest temperatures of this winter are headed our way this week, so it was time to give the pellet stoves a thorough cleaning. A clean pellet stove is much more efficient, so it is a dirty job that is worth the effort. We have two pellet stoves in

It's always exciting to discover a warm, fresh egg waiting for me in the nest box. On an icy winter morning, it makes for a lovely reward after carefully making my way to the coop for chores!

Here's something to be thankful for fresh from our hens. This is perfect timing. I was just getting started on my Thanksgiving cooking and baking!

It looks like molting season is over! I'm sure that a few of our girls aren't back to business quite yet, but finding three eggs after six weeks of empty nest boxes is reason to celebrate! How is your flock doing? Are they molting or are you collecting

One of my Thanksgiving recipe experiments from last night featured butternut squash. It was delicious and our hens were thrilled to eat the scraps this morning!

Good morning from Herbert Menninger! Herbert was too busy eating his breakfast to stop and smile for the camera. I can't blame him, I feel the same way about my first cup of coffee each morning! #rabbit #farm